1.º YEAR
1.º semester | 2.º semester |
Legal Subjects: |
• Conferences and seminares on "European Legal Practive (12 ECTS) |
• Subjects of European Law (8 ECTS) |
• Subjects of Comparative European Law (8 ECTS) |
• 2 subjects in core areas of national law of first host university (Civil, Criminal, Public law) (8 ECTS) |
• 2 Subjects in specific areas of national Law of first host university (e.g. Commercial Law, Criminology, Competition Law, Tax Law, Procedural Law) (8 ECTS) |
General subjects: |
• Improvement of language of firts host university ( 4 ECTS) |
• Introduction to language of second host university (8 ECTS) |
• Regional Studies of first host university country (history, in terms of economy, social system and politics) (4 ECTS) |
2.º YEAR
2.º year | |
3.º Semester | 4.º Semester |
Legal Subjects | Legal Subjects |
• Introductory subjects to second host university country law (4ECTS) | • Seminar on the subject area of the student thesis, including presentation (8ECTS) |
• 2 subjects in specific law areas of second host university (e.g. Commercial Law, Tax Law, Procedural Law) (8 ECTS) | • Master thesis focusing on European Law, Comparative Law, Conflicts of Law, International Public Law (12 ECTS) |
• Final Oral Exam (4 ECTS) | |
General subjects | |
• Improvement of a language of the second host university (12 ECTS) | |
• Regional studies of second host university country (history, in terma of economy, social system and politics) (4 ECTS) | |
• Possibility of the course attendance / Spring/Summer schools "European Integration" (before or during the 2º year of study). | |
• 2 subjects of European and International including Comparative Law (8 ECTS) |
• The first two semesters should be performed in one of the Degree-Awarding Consortium Universities (first host university). Such universities are University of Lisbon, Portugal, Leibniz Universität Hannover, Germany, University of Rouen, France.
• The 3rd semester can be performed in another Degree-Awarding University of Consortium (second host university), different from the first university, or a Non-Degree Awarding partner university. Non-degree awarding universities are Mykolas Romeris University (Lithuania), Universidade Católica de Brasília (Brasil), Ho Chi Mihn City Faculty of Law (Vietnam), Faculdade Damas de Instrução Cristã (Brasil) and Symbiosis International University in Pune (India).
• The 4th semester, which focuses on the development of the master’s thesis, must be held in the first host university or in another degree awarding university.
• In total, students must obtain 120 ECTS.
• Students must attend at least one academic year at the degree awarding University of the Consortium and acquire at least 60 ECTS at the host university.